
Annual Talent Show and Picnic 2025

Please join us, for our final program of the 2024 - 2025 program year!  This year, we're continuing our "Photo of the Year" feature. We will be sharing our "Photo of the Year" with one another, in a slideshow presentation format. We'd like you to select your single favorite photo from the past year. You don't need to have taken the photo, but if you use someone else's work, please be sure to credit the photographer. The photo can be of any family-friendly subject: historic, natural, portrait, or scenic -- whatever you'd like to share.


The Practice of Trust

Join Lake Fellowship member Marnie Karger for an interactive program that explores this month's theme: The Practice of Trust. In preparation for this program, Marnie invites you to consider the following questions:

  1. When have you experienced deep, perhaps even absolute trust in something or someone?
  2. How do we determine why, what, and whom we trust?
  3. When trust is broken, how can we repair it?