Intention Begins with No: How to Say β€œYes” with Intention, with Guest Speaker Jennifer McCollough

A spiral of white cards, each with the word "Yes" in black text
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Growing up, Jennifer learned to be a survivor...from a plane crash to a family riddled with addiction and abuse, to a steady pattern of unhealthy relationships as an adult - she kept looking for the bright side of life. After leaving an award-winning, 24-year corporate career in leadership, Jennifer transitioned to a life of leisure without missing a beat. No, that's not true at all. Facing severe burnout, Jennifer decided there must be more to life so she left the perceived security of her corporate gig to begin what she calls her encore career. She was an overnight success. No, that's not true at all. But now, as a certified coach, speaker, and author of Selfcare for Your Apocalypse, Jennifer's goal in life is to help women in their 40s & 50s reconnect to their joy so they can create the life they truly desire. Jennifer loves to mix science and humor to make all things not just possible, but with intention – a reality. When not changing the lives of others, Jennifer enjoys time with and without her daughters in Minnesota.


Linked below, please find a pdf of Jennifer's slides with room for taking notes, and her "Live On Purpose" 30-day Challenge Journaling pages.

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