The Gift of Justice & Equity

A French political cartoon of the three orders of feudal society (1789). It depicts the rural third estate as a poor, old man, walking bent over with a pick-axe, and carrying a cheerful member of the clergy and a member of the nobility on his back.
Event Type

Lake Fellowship member Marnie Karger will lead a program exploring February's theme of The Gift of Justice & Equity. This program will attempt to define and explore these terms in the context of America's ever-widening wealth gap. Marnie promises a spirited and interactive activity, with plenty of time for reflection and discussion. Participants will be invited to place their egos and judgements of one another aside, as dissent and disagreement will be engaged!

Also, as this is the first Sunday of the month, please remember to bring your Green Bag with food and/or personal items to donate to WeCAN as part of Lake Fellowship's ongoing efforts with the Neighborhood Food Project. Click the following link for more information and WeCAN's Winter 2024 Wishlist:


  • The image used for this program is a French political cartoon of the three orders of feudal society (1789). It depicts the rural third estate as a poor, old man, bent over with a farming hoe, and carrying a cheerful member of the clergy and of the nobility on his back. A translation of the caption is: "You should hope that this game will be over soon."

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