"Green Bag" Sunday


It's the first Sunday of the month. That means it's "Green Bag" Sunday. 

At the start of every month, as part of Lake Fellowship's ongoing effort to help in our community and in partnership with WeCAN, we donate food and personal items through the Neighborhood Food Project (NFP). Please bring in your filled green NFP bag with donated items to the fellowship today, and pick up an empty bag to fill for next month. 

From LFUU Member Tim Wendt:

Hi all, this email to remind you that this Sunday, Feb 4th 2024, 3rd collection day for Lake Fellowship’s Green Bag program.  The ‘Neighborhood Food Project (NFP) occurs when you drop off your Green Bag of food/personal items for WeCAN at the A-frame Sunday.  Last month, we donated 71.3 pounds of food and $65 worth of personal care items. Thank you so much, Wahoo!!

Below and attached is an updated list of food and personal items currently in demand at WeCAN, and a reminder of how this project works.

Fill as much of the green bag as you can, then bring the bag to Lake Fellowship on the first Sunday of the month.  You can pick up another green bag at Lake Fellowship to fill for the next month, March 3rd 2024.  Larry Muehlberg will bring the items to WeCAN on Monday morning with Curtis and Patsy as the back up delivery persons.

If you are unable to bring your green bag to Lake Fellowship Sunday but have a bag of items to donate, please call Tim Wendt (612-760-2281) and I will find someone to pick up your bag or you can deliver it yourself to WeCAN (ask for Kari) on Monday morning.

The Winter 2024 Wishlist is shown below.

a list of items that WeCAN is requesting for the winter of 2024, such as toiletries and canned goods

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