# on committee: 1 to 6
Responsibilities: Plans and implements Sunday morning adult programs by lining up internal and external speakers and ensuring that rituals are maintained, by doing and/or soliciting others to do so and by working with the Music Committee. Writes-up program descriptions and gets to newsletter editor in timely fashion. Arrives early on Sunday mornings to greet any outside speakers/performers and ensure chairs and any needed equipment is set-up; facilitate execution of program; i.e., opening words, chalice lighting, “joys and concerns,” music, introduce speakers, moderate discussion, closing words, moderate announcements, etc.
Skills needed: organization, ability to search for and contact speakers on-line and/or by phone, facilitation, writing, public speaking
Time commitment:
- Planning: 4 hours a month Aug.-April
- Write-ups: 1 hour every-other-month Aug.-March
- Implementation: 8-10 hours a month; 2 hours each Sunday morning Sept.-May