Message from the Charitable Outreach Chair

WeCAN Updates

February 28, 2025

Lake Fellowship's Les Kraus Charitable Outreach Group is sharing the following news from WeCAN:

 WeCAN is Chamber's Not-for-Profit of the Year

Dear WeCAN friends,

I am grateful and proud to announce that WeCAN was selected as the 2024 Not-for-Profit Organization of the Year by the Excelsior-Lake Minnetonka Chamber of Commerce!

February 2nd is NFP & Soup Sunday

January 30, 2025

Hi all, it’s time to continue our commitment to Lake Fellowship’s Neighborhood Food Project (NFP)!  You all know how this works, you get some (non perishable) groceries/personal items and bring them to LF (or have a friend deliver them) on the first Sunday of the month (Sept- May) and Larry Muehlberg (thank you Larry and Peggy) will deliver the items to WeCAN’s food shelf and mobile market on Monday.  We have a few “Green/Orange Bags” at the A-frame, so feel free to bring your donations and fill up a bag.  WeCAN also takes cash or checks (WeCan Food Shelf).

Happy 2025! NFP & Soup Sunday

January 2, 2025

Hello Lake Fellowship members/friends.  I am wishing for fewer people that are food insecure during 2025!  Lake Fellowship has donated approximately 50 lbs of food/month, $100.00 and 20 personal items.  That is outstanding!

I am challenging you to increase the amount of food donated/month to 75lbs. We start this challenge this Sunday, Jan. 5th.

You’ve got this Lake Fellowship.

Thanksgiving Food Donations & Soup Sunday at Lake Fellowship

November 29, 2024

Hello Lake Fellowship (LF) members and friends, Happy Thanksgiving to you all.  Please remember to bring your food donation to LF this Sunday and some cash (or a check) for Soup Sunday.

The Wendt’s are making chili (Vegetarian and Turkey) for Soup Sunday, hopefully it will warm you a little during this cold weekend and the $$ donations you make will help a community agency assist in providing help to families with food insecurity.

Volunteer Opportunity: Help with WeCAN's Winter Coat Drive on November 5th

October 30, 2024

WeCAN is hosting its annual Winter Coat Drive on November 5th—Election Day—and they're looking for a few more volunteers to join the effort. If you have some time to spare and want to give back to your community, this is a great opportunity!

What’s Involved?

There are several ways you can help out, depending on your interests and availability: