Author: Tim Wendt
Hello Lake Fellowship (LF) members and friends, Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Please remember to bring your food donation to LF this Sunday and some cash (or a check) for Soup Sunday.
The Wendt’s are making chili (Vegetarian and Turkey) for Soup Sunday, hopefully it will warm you a little during this cold weekend and the $$ donations you make will help a community agency assist in providing help to families with food insecurity.
WeCAN volunteer coordinator, Kari Raan, wrote a lovely thank you note for November’s food donations from LF that you can read on the bulletin board at the A frame. She mentioned that LF donated 151 lbs of food and 3 person care items which they use to maintain supplies for the food mobile. The also received cash donations ($100.00) which they use to purchase food that is perishable and items they run out of.
Let’s attempt to donate more this month than last, remembering that cash (check) is always welcome to help buy food items that are in low supply.
Thank you all for committing to help reduce food insecurity in our community.