Every Commitment is a Small Commitment

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It's been well over a month since the new year started. How are you doing with regards to your New Year's Resolutions? While many of us make promises and commitments at the start of a new year, only a few of us end up following through with them, even by this point on the calendar. The bottom line is that change and commitment is difficult to execute and maintain. For today's program, join Lake Fellowship member Marnie Karger to look at how we define commitment, why we hold commitments sacred, and how we can not only more successfully fulfill our commitments, but also see how we're doing this already, nearly all of the time.

Here's a link to the TEDx video that accompanied this program: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKE_ebex2tk

Below, is a screen shot from the above video, showing the "Commitment Equation" that the speaker, Dr. Heidi Reeder creates.

screenshot of Dr. Heidi Reeder's "Commitment Equation"

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