Nurturing Stewards

Event Type

We kick off April with our new theme of Stewardship. In the past, we've had discussions about how we've been good stewards across a wide spectrum of services and good deeds. Today, we'll look into our pasts to share what and who shaped us to become good stewards. We'll also talk about what we can do to help foster and nurture good stewards around us.

In anticipation of this discussion, please consider the following questions:

1. What thoughts, ideas, images come to mind when you think of the word "steward"?

2. Do you believe that stewardship is integral to Unitarian Universalism?

3. In what ways have you been a steward?

4. Related to your answer for question 4, who or what influenced you (in your far and recent past) to become a steward?

5. In what way/s have/could you nurture stewardship in others?

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