Our guest speaker today will be Pastor Kathleen Abel. The topic of her program is "BE YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF - Where Social Justice Begins - Within"
For thousands of years, humanity has unconsciously allowed itself to be emotionally, intellectually, and physically enslaved by a small global power elite. These controllers have taught limitation in religion, education, medicine, law, politics, and more. The shutting down of humanity's potential for self-empowerment, creativity, wealth (in all areas) joy and personal freedom has created suffering on a global scale for generations-upon-generations. The great news is that we are the ones whom we have been waiting for. In a world that strives to make you into someone less than your amazing Self , you may choose again. BE your authentic, powerful, and supported Self! Bring along your notebooks and pencils to gather whatever spiritual tools which catch your interest. Thank you for this opportunity to help us all better focus on who we wish to be (in Love and service) within this beautiful world.
Pastor Kathleen, who grew up in Minnetonka, MN, has been on a spiritual quest since 1992. Her studies to allow more happiness and sovereignty into her own life has led her to becoming a Sports & Therapeutic Massage therapist in the Twin Cities, to CA, RI and PA to be a trained Waldorf teacher, to Boston to earn her M.Div. In New England she made a special personal inquiry into the unique American Spiritual Impulse, which included Trancendentalists (See:http://transcendentalism-legacy.tamu.edu/ ) and New Thought movements, as well as the Divine Feminine Impulse. She preached in King's Chapel and spoke at Paramahansa Yogananda's ashram http://www.meetup.com/ANANDA-CENTER/photos/. Eager to bring home all that she had learned she created in Duluth, MN her own interfaith worship sanctuary, as well as a home school for special needs children, and the Daughters Of Abraham- a spiritual peace-centered support group for Muslim, Jewish, and Christian women. Kathleen has returned to the Twin Cities to assist her ex-husband on his journey with Alzheimer's Dis-ease and to create a nurturing Spiritual support circle in the western suburbs.
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