Sharing Your Passions

Event Type

This Sunday, we invite everyone to share their passions with the group in an informal show and tell discussion. What's a passion? Anything you do, or have done in the past that adds good to the world, even in the smallest of ways. From raking yards for neighbors, to calling local representatives to promote social justice; from volunteering at a school, to tending a garden that brings smiles to passersby; from devoting your career to helping those who cannot help themselves, to holding a door for a stranger. These are all good things that are worthy of sharing.

Our goal this day is two-fold: For one, we hope to simply inpsire one another by sharing our passions and by learning more about each other. For another, we hope to invite others to join our passions, knowing that a small group of like-minded individuals can often make a bigger difference than any one of them on their own.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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