LFUU member Dan Larson was diagnosed with Melanoma skin cancer this past September. He will present a program on his journey to date including some historical background, challenges / ups and downs, and impact to lifestyle. The second and larger part of the program will be around the preventative treatment options with pros and cons of each and the philosophical questions that was part of the decision process. Dan will invite the audience to participate in discussing other philosophical questions / considerations if this was a decision they had to make, or have had to make on another medical event for themselves or a family member. LFUU member's Janice Leafer and Kandis Hanson will also share a summary of their fights with cancer and why they chose the path of treatment they did. The program will conclude with sharing which path Dan and Vicki took, why, what to expect this next year or two, and time at the end for any questions.
WWDD (What Will Dan Do?) - Melanoma: A Personal Journey
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