As has been our tradition for more than a decade, we will start our new season of programs with a Water Ceremony. The Water Ceremony is a great way to reconvene after summer break. For those who may not be familiar with this annual tradition, members and friends bring to the service a small amount of water that represents something of significance for them. One by one the water is poured into a larger bowl. This is more than a “what I did this summer” report, and represents a re-gathering of our community. We will have extra water available if you don’t bring any with you. After that, we'll introduce the themes and what's coming up in our programming for the 2020-21 year. Once again, we'll be seeking volunteers to lead programs using your own resources or materials from our subscription to the Soul Matters Sharing Circle Curriculum. Please see any member of the Program Planning Committee (Dan or Marnie) if you are interested -- thank you!
Today's program will be held OUTSIDE the A-Frame, weather permitting. The building will remain closed for the entire event, so plan accordingly. The bathrooms will NOT be available. Please wear a mask and maintain social distancing guidelines. The event will be shared via Zoom for those who cannot or choose not to attend in person. Watch for a link in an upcoming email. After the program, we invite you to walk the trail in the woods on the property. In the case of inclement weather, we will host the water ceremony virtually as best we can.
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