Lake Fellowship warmly welcomes Terry Gips, President of the Alliance for Sustainability, for a program titled, Co-Creating a World of S.H.E. Kindness: Sustainability, Health, Equity and Kindness
From Terry:
How can we respond to the ongoing, horrific murders of people of color, global pandemic, climate crisis, increasing hate and anti-democracy? The 40-year old Alliance for Sustainability developed an inspiring, impactful and collaborative response: the comprehensive S.H.E. Kindness Campaign (Sustainability, Health, Equity and Kindness). We are collaborating with a wide variety of groups to co-create a diverse, inclusive alliance of more than one million people and organizations working together for personal and organizational transformation and public policy shifts to achieve fundamental systems change.
I will share the Campaign’s Declaration of Co-Creation and Interdependence, our bold commitment and call to action, along with our innovative S.H.E. Kindness School, Business and Policy Programs. You’ll be uplifted and see new possibilities for how we can make a difference together.
Terry Gips has worked on sustainability in the public, private and nonprofit sectors for more than 40 years as a sustainability consultant, agricultural economist, Natural Step Framework Instructor, speaker and author of Breaking the Pesticide Habit and The Humane Consumer and Producer Guide. He is the CEO of Sustainability Associates and volunteers as the President of the Alliance for Sustainability (www.afors.org) and its S.H.E. Kindness Campaign. Previously, he worked as White House assistant, Congressional aide, Aveda Director of Ecological Affairs and Sustainability, Cargill economist and grain merchant, Wall Street brokerage assistant, Adjunct faculty with the Minneapolis College of Art & Design Sustainable Design Program, and co-founder of the Sacramento Community Garden Program. He graduated from Claremont McKenna College and completed his M.S. in Agricultural and Applied Economics at UC Davis and MBA at Yale’s School of Organization & Management.
A copy of Terry's slide deck is available as a pdf download below.
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