Join us as we discuss October's theme of Sanctuary. Sacred for some, and triggering for others, the term "sanctuary" conjures a wide spectrum of thoughts, emotions, images, and memories. Through videos, slideshows, discussions, small group, and solo exercises, Lake Fellowship member Marnie Karger will help us dig into what sanctuary means for each of us, and what it can mean for our fellowship.
We'll start today by sharing the results of your homework from last week. Missed the assignment? Here's a brief version: Find Sanctuaries. Between now and when you come to fellowship next, try to find sanctuaries in your everyday life. Keep in mind a sanctuary can be a physical place, and also simply a state of mind. Maybe it's really easy to find them once you start looking, or maybe it is harder than you think. Come prepared to share how the assignment went for you.
From there, we'll explore how our fellowship and larger UU congregation promotes and provides sanctuary, and how we can begin to build sanctuary for ourselves and others.
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