It's launch time! Fellowship member Don Penn closes the March discussions around the theme of Perseverance. March 25th will focus on "the problems, perils and promise of persevering as a species (interstellar edition)". This will be the final part of a two-part directed group discussion on the challenges and issues of surviving Human Extinction. We've survived millions of years of evolution to get where we are today, but will be able to beat the clock and overcome our gentically-based tribalism and survival insticts to launch deep into the stars for the survival of our species? Will the great human experiment survive beyond what Nature has planned for us? Is the demise of Humankind inevitable? This Sunday you'll be directly involved in picking a team of humans to launch deep into interstellar space, crafting for them their guiding creed, and submitting their ultimate destiny to the spin-master of fate. Be prepared for a VERY interesting discussion!
The Problems, Perils and Promise of Persevering as a Species (Interstellar Edition)
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