Practicing Presence to Live our UU Values . . . a Pilot

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photo of the Lake Fellowship chalice in the foreground, with the A-frame windows behind revealing golden fall foliage
Event Type

LFUU Member Laurie Gauer and Friend Joanne Kutzler will lead us in a workshop to explore how the spiritual practice of Presence, this month’s theme, can help us live the UU values in our daily lives. This is a pilot to further these goals:

  • Last summer at the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association) General Assembly, the delegates voted to accept a revised Article II of the UUA bylaws. One of the charges to the Article II task force was to introduce more action words into the descriptions of our shared values, to encourage us to walk our talk.
  • Also last summer, the LFUU Board added this goal to our strategic plan: Grow spiritually in line with our Unitarian-Universalist Values. This fall, Dan Larson led a program to discuss whether we want more spirituality either in our programs or as separate sessions; most said yes.

After today’s program, we will ask if people want more like it, and if they do, as regular programs or as separate sessions.

Notes and Slides from this program are attached below.

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