The Practice of Repair

photo of a small, ceramic dragon with a broken wing, next to a tube of super glue
Event Type

Join Lake Fellowship member Marnie Karger for a program that explores this month's theme: The Practice of Repair. Some repairs are easy and even a little fun, while some repairs seem downright impossible and are easier avoided than faced. Marnie will lead an interactive program to explore how we can use what we already know and do well in terms of repair, to become better equipped and more willing to tackle tougher challenges.

If you want a head start on the discussion, Marnie invites you to consider the following questions:

+ What is something you have repaired really successfully? This could be something physical (leaky gutter, disorganized inbox, heirloom blanket), or something emotional or relational (estranged friendship, low motivation or self-esteem, disconnected family).

+ What is something you tried to repair and it didn't go well at all? - OR - What is something in need of repair that seems too daunting or frightening to attempt to repair? Again, this could be something physical or relational.

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