Nurturing Beauty

photo of a white plastic bag caught in the branches of a tree, against a blue sky
Event Type

Our theme for the month of May is "Nurturing Beauty." While most of us can quickly define both what it means to nurture something, and what is or is not beautiful, the more important question for this program is WHY it might be important or beneficial to nurture beauty. Lake Fellowship member Marnie Karger will lead this program, and she invites each of you to consider the previous question ahead of the program. 

Note: This will be our first HYBRID program! This means we will have some people gather in person at our beloved A-Frame building (including Marnie and her slideshow), and some who will join the program remotely via Zoom. The choice is yours. Please arrive at the A-Frame by 10:25 a.m. if you plan to attend in person, or sign in to the Zoom meeting by 10:30 if you will attend virtually.

The Program Planning Committee asks for your patience as this is all still new to us and we may encounter some obstacles in this first experiment. They will welcome your feedback after the program.

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