Dr. Gina Moseley will present to us the scope and purpose of her upcoming project to collect samples from caves in Northeast Greenland.
Gina Mosely is a postdoctoral research scientist at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. Gina studies important periods in our Earth’s climate history, such as the melting of the last ice age. Understanding these past periods of rapid climate change is important because it helps us better predict future climate change.
In order to “re-construct” past climate change, Gina uses geological specimens from caves. Cave deposits, such as stalagmites, are time capsules of rainfall and snowfall. By analyzing the chemistry of stalagmite layers, climatologist can construct past precipitation records. She will be stopping by Lake Fellowship this week to discuss her latest project on caves in Greenland. During the summer of 2015, Gina will lead a team of scientists to the Arctic Circle in order to explore and collect new specimens in Northeast Greenland caves. This much needed record of past climate change will be the first of its type from caves of Greenland, and will contribute significantly to our understanding of long-term climate change in Greenland and the Arctic.
To learn more about this very important project, please visit their website: http://www.northeastgreenlandcavesproject.com/
Lake Fellowship alum Katee Wendt is a friend and colleague of Gina, and will be assisting in studying the samples Gina and her team bring back to the U of M.
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