Today, we're pleased to welcome back Phil Lund.
From Phil: Last year I read an essay called "Congregations as Centers for Community Resilience." It sounds like a great idea, but one that's easier said than done. What would it take for a congregation to truly be a center for resilience? I think we would need to begin with the congregation itself, focusing on how the relationships among individuals within the congregation engenders resilience for everyone, young and old. To give us some idea of how that might happen, we'll take a look at nine “keys to resilience” in three different areas: belief systems, organization and resources, and communication.
About Phil: Phillip Lund has over twenty years experience serving congregations in the areas of faith formation and spiritual growth, first as a religious educator in Bloomington, Indiana, New York City, and Chicago, Illinois, and most recently as a congregational life consultant working for the MidAmerica Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago and a certificate in InterSpiritual Counseling from One Spirit Learning Alliance in New York. He lives in Saint Paul with his wife, Julia, and their son, Henry David.
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