Mysterious Generosity

black and white photo of a gift box with a ribbon on top.
Event Type

November's theme is "The Gift of Generosity," and December's theme is "The Gift of Mystery." As a transition of sorts, the Program Planning Committee has created a program that combines these two themes. For anyone who can make it (in person or on zoom), we will be asking you to write on a piece of paper a brief description of either a moment that someone was very generous with you, or a time when you felt the gift of being generous to someone else. We'll collect those descriptions and read them one at a time, considering each one, pausing to consider who might have written it, and then revealing that person. Our hope is to get to know one another a little better, and to share some stories about being generous and giving thanks. 

We invite you to start thinking of the story you'd like to share now, so you're more prepared to write it down and then share it with the group. 

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