Originally from Ohio, Howard Hobbs grew up at the First Universalist Church of Kent. He graduated from Kent State in 1970 in Geology, and went to graduate school at University of North Dakota, where he specialized in glacial geology. He came to the Minnesota Geological Survey in 1977, and has been there ever since. The MGS is a department in the School of Earth Science at the University of Minnesota. Howard has mapped the glacial geology of many parts of Minnesota, including a generalized map of the whole state.
Howard says, "I've always been interested in music, generally the folk variety, but a little country and other genres. I used to go to the Blind Owl coffeehouse in Kent, in awe of the performers. Later I started performing at the Needle's Eye coffeehouse in Kent. Currently I do occasional open stages at coffeehouses, and attend some jam sessions in the area. I'm in the Universal Folk Band at First Universalist Church in Minneapolis. But I also sometimes play at geology and soil science gatherings. I have accumulated a number of songs relating to geology and soils, generally new words to familiar tunes. Some are my own, some written by others.
For this program, I have woven together a very general story of glaciation in Minnesota with songs on the topic. It's kind of an experiment, and you will be the first audience. "
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