The Minister’s War – The Story of Martha and Waitstill Sharp

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The Minister’s War – The Story of Martha and Waitstill Sharp

Waitstill Sharp was a young Unitarian minister in Wellesley, Massachusetts in the 1930s. Today we will share a gripping half-hour film that tells the story of how Waitstill and his wife Martha left the safety of home in 1939 and risked their lives to help rescue thousands of refugees in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia and France. Their work was the first mission of what has become the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. Our presenters today are Lake Fellowship members Terry and Tim McGlynn. Along with Rita McGlynn, met Artemis Joukowsky (filmmaker and grandson of the Sharps) while attending UUA General Assembly this summer in Phoenix. Terry and Tim will lead a discussion following the film.

You can read more about this film and the story behind it here:

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