A Land Acknowledgment for Lake Fellowship?

Map of the Lake Minnetonka area showing indigenous ancestry
Event Type

Land Acknowledgment Statements are showing up everywhere, so should Lake Fellowship have one, too? The purpose of a land acknowledgment is to recognize, respect, and affirm the ongoing relationship between Indigenous people and the land. Land acknowledgments also raise awareness about the Indigenous histories, perspectives and experiences that are often suppressed or forgotten.

Last May, at Lake Fellowship's Annual Meeting of Members and Friends, the LFUU board approved the creation of a statement to acknowledge the land on which our gathering place exists. This proved no easy task and those working on the project quickly realized that there was much more to a Land Acknowledgment Statement than writing a simple sentence or two. For this program, we'll hear more about this process and why it's such a complicated and sometimes controversial process. Lake Fellowship members Sharon Dana, Vicki Larson, and Marnie Karger will share where they're at with this endeavor in this informative and interactive discussion. This program is the first in what we hope is a series of discussions and informational sessions in an ongoing effort to learn more about the Indigenous peoples of this area.

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