As we continue our discussion on the beloved community, Fellowship member Karen Wendt will present “Weaving our way back to Connectivity” as discussed in the book “The Second Mountain - the Quest for a Moral Life” by David Brooks (click on this link: the_ted_interview_david_brooks_on_political_healing to listen to the May, 2019 TED INTERVIEW with David Brooks). Karen will share her own story of growing up in a family where hyper-individualism was the moral code, meaning “self” was prioritized over everything, including relationships, community, and even family. As a psychiatric nurse, Karen will share the urgency of our country needing to “weave” our way back from isolation and fragmentation to community and connectivity to reduce the suicide rates in our country’s youth. Lastly, Karen will share David Brooks’ argument that our current culture of hyper-individualism is causing us to sink into an economic, environmental, and political crisis and that we need a “relational revolution” to heal the political divide, prevent an economic downfall, and to save our planet.
Today's meeting is via Zoom, and co-hosted by Lake Fellowship members Kristin Fulkerson and Terry McGlynn. You can join the group starting at 10:15 a.m. and the program will begin at 10:30. To join, please check your email for the Zoom link, or request a link by sending an email to We'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
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