Lake Fellowship is pleased to welcome back guest speaker Steve Fredlund today. Steve Fredlund has learned first hand the power of story. As a long time corporate analytic, he was always bent toward explaining things through the numbers and logical reasoning; this continued as he started a nonprofit doing work in Rwanda. A few people connected with the work; but once he started traveling there and bringing back individual stories, that's when the momentum occurred. We see the power of story at work everywhere we turn; from sacred texts to online marketing... we are hooked by story. In this discussion, Steve will share a few thoughts about this but then focus on a few of his most compelling stories and we can discuss how our reactions changed versus a more fact-based approach.
Today's meeting is via Zoom, and co-hosted by Lake Fellowship members Kristin Fulkerson and Terry McGlynn. You can join the group starting at 10:15 a.m. and the program will begin at 10:30. To join, please check your email for the Zoom link, or request a link by sending an email to info@lakefellowship.org. We'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
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