Our speaker today is Molly Friedenfeld. Her topic today is titled Goodness, Honor, Love & the Golden Rule: Creating Your Project of Light
When we honor the light within all souls we integrate the Golden Rule into every aspect of our daily lives. The Golden Rule becomes more than a sentence written down in a book with pages yellowed by time. The Golden Rule — “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you” becomes a living breathing part of us. It becomes our mantra and a source of wisdom we draw on to ensure honor is in place regarding every choice we make that involves ourselves, another soul or creature. Whenever we live our lives with honor and the Golden Rule at the foundation we begin to connect with the hearts of others on the deepest level possible. Please join Molly Friedenfeld as she goes in depth on this topic in addition to explaining why the simple smile contains so much love and how to spread goodness and light across the earth by creating your own Project of Light. Molly Friedenfeld’s bio: Molly Friedenfeld is a Teacher of Light, an intuitive light coach, an inspirational speaker, an Internet radio show host, and author of The Book of Simple Human Truths andBecoming an Earthly Angel. She creates videos, online courses, and in-person Angel Boot Camps and classes to inspire and teach others how to access the wisdom of the heart, communicate with Angels, honor the light within every soul, create chains of goodness, and spread positivity and light across the earth.
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