Lake Fellowship warmly welcomes the return of Maria Filsinger Interrante to present an update on the status of the COVID-19 vaccines, including information about third/booster shots.
Maria grew up in Excelsior, Minnesota, and after attending Minnetonka high school, went on to Stanford, where she got her undergraduate degree in Bioengineering. Realizing her dual passion for research and medicine, Maria decided to pursue combined MD/PhD training, and is currently in the 6th year of her MD/PhD at Stanford, with her PhD thesis research focused on HIV-1 vaccine development. After finishing her degrees, she plans to continue on to residency and complete a fellowship in infectious disease medicine, and hopes to have a career in vaccine development research while also treating patients as an infectious disease physician. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Maria has leveraged her vaccine expertise to create written materials distributed through Stanford Health Care, give vaccine seminars to audiences from high school students to medical professionals, and speak on podcasts to spread the word about vaccine safety and efficacy. She's thrilled to get a chance to talk to a hometown group and hopefully answer questions about boosters, Omicron, and how to stay safest over the upcoming holidays. Her presentation will cover COVID-19 vaccine development, science, safety and efficacy, boosters, Omicron, and will include ~15-20 minutes at the end of questions.
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