Guest Speaker: Brian Nowack from MN350

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Our guest speaker today is Brian Nowak. He will speak to us about his work with environmental issues as a very active member of MN350.

Brian started working on projects for 350.ORG in 2010; he was designing a net-zero home and sustainable community concept when he realized that individual green projects, while important, can’t make a big enough impact on climate change by themselves. He needed to tie his work to a larger movement and joined MN350 in the fall of 2011 to work on the campaign to stop the Keystone pipeline. As Tar Sands Action Coordinator for MN350, he has organized members to understand the massive negative effect of Tar Sands Oil on climate change and the relationship of the fossil fuel industries in trying prevent climate change reform through huge political contributions and climate denial advertizing. Through education, organizing and action we can move forward to balance the place of mankind on earth.

In addition to this, Brian will also talk about how to approach the topic of climate change in a more personal and spiritual way.

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