Guest Speaker: Andy Fletcher

image of an engraving showing ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus looking at the night sky through a telescope
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Lake Fellowship happily welcomes back guest speaker Andy Fletcher. Andy will be joining us via Zoom from his home in Colorado. From Andy:

"There’s nothing there. Kind of a wild claim. It seemed like a reasonable assumption for everyone to make that there was actually something there. I mean, you could see it. The sun. The moon. The planets. Their moons. Other stars. The Milky Way. Eventually, other galaxies. Lots and lots of galaxies. Gazillions. And back here on Earth, all kinds of things. Flowers. Rainbows. Laughing children. Young love. Plus, wars and genocides and tsunamis and lava flow and zits. Reality shows. The Kardashians. There was clearly something there. Turns out, not so much. Everything you think is there is not really there the way that you think it should be. Do all the scientists agree with that observation? Turns out, pretty much. So what do all the scientists think is actually there? Now that’s where it gets interesting."

Andy Fletcher has been speaking on science in nearly 300 high schools since 1991 in 43 countries, along with several universities (including Cambridge U in the UK), a number of churches, and a passel of conferences, not to mention a small fleet of cruise ships.  He is the head of Life, the Universe and Everything, Inc., an educational non-profit. He graduated from the AISZ in Zurich, attended universities in Texas and Japan before graduating from USC in LA with a BA in history, a math major, and minors in English Literature, Philosophy, and Japanese. Writer, speaker, humorist, musician, and photographer, he is really only at home when he’s not at home. He’s written 10 books and a host of articles and radio commentaries, and has filmed his talks a number of times. Books and film series available on request.

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