Lake Fellowship warmly welcomes Jen Veralle for a program titled, "The Gift of Presence." Jen will be joining us via Zoom.
About the program: The holiday season brings heightened social activity with family, friends, and co-workers. These gatherings can come with a wide range of emotions from joyous to stress-filled as we navigate conversations. Prior to getting deep into the season, this share will be about the gift of presence and how to create more of it in your life. Jen will talk about how ten years of an alcohol-free lifestyle has brought her peace and presence. And she'll discuss how a practice of reflection, expectation-setting, and creating a healthier environment to gather in can set you up to be present. Part of this environment, based on Jen's work and experience, is creating and understanding the benefits of offering nonalcoholic options or going alcohol-free in community.
About Jen: Jen Veralle is an advocate for and creator of healthy social experiences that decentralize alcohol. Her journey spans two decades of alcohol misuse, a decade of an alcohol-free lifestyle, corporate roles, and entrepreneurial ventures. She’s the founder of Sparktrack, an events and communications business; cofounder of Zero Proof Collective, a community of nonalcoholic advocates overcoming barriers, shattering stigma, and increasing NA options; and an NA enthusiast through her personal brand and media at Her TEDx Talk (Jul 2023), Why We Should Rethink Drinking Culture, frames sobriety in a sober not somber lens.
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