"Dowry" Film and Discussion with Alice Gebura

Poster from the film titled Dowry with the text A Film by Alice Gebura
Event Type

Dowry, Film and Discussion
In the folds of ancient fabrics Dowry finds a woman’s stories of sexuality, birth, and death, grounded in war and immigration.

To open the dowry trunk of three generations of Greek women is to go back in time through an archive of fiber arts--heirloom lace, woven embroidery, hand sewn dresses. The fibers of each dress, curtain and tablecloth are interwoven with the threads of their lives: threads woven by the hands of women, threads that give voice to their stories.

The film celebrates a woman at her loom producing the materials that make a home and mark the milestones in her life.  Dowry is narrated by the elder who witnessed these lives and learned the stories of these women, and who is herself a woman at the intersection of a history almost lost, almost forgotten.

Alice Gebura, Filmmaker

Alice Gebura is a photographer who recently began experimenting with video – not in a cinematic way but as a vehicle to evoke what it means to be human on this planet. Dowry premiered in the 2022 Twin Cities Film Fest as an official selection in the Documentary Short category.

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