The stress of poor communication leads to mistakes, misunderstandings,conflict,  confrontations…all because people think they arecommunicating well when they are not.  Cooperation and teamworkdeteriorate; leadership goes astray, and tension rises.
Lynette Crane has over 30 years’ experience helping people unravel themysteries of individual  behavioral and communication styles, styles thatcross gender and cultural lines, and learn quick, easy skills that they canimplement immediately to make dramatic changes in their work behavior,allowing them to :• communicate effectively - and reduce errors• raise awareness of contributions each member makes to a team-and lower conflict - and raise morale• reduce tension, resolve conflicts - and  save time• improve wellness and improve  performance • raise productivity which impacts profitability in a positive way …and more
Discover how other people misunderstand you... and what to do about it.
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