Dr. Bruce Corrie is an accomplished economist with contributions in several areas - higher education, community research, economic development, policy advocacy and as a trusted community leader. He will share his experience addressing racial justice and economic inequality and offer a strategy of economic and social transformation reflected in Cultural Destinations - spaces where one can enjoy cultures and at the same time grow the local ALANA (African Latino Asian and Native American) economies. More details of his work can be found at https://www.linkedin.com/in/brucecorrie/ and his websites https://www.culturaldestinations.org/, https://empoweringstrategies.org/ and https://www.youtube.com/@EnjoyCultures/videos.
Additional Videos from Dr. Corrie:
ALANA Workforce Development -https://youtu.be/i0Gig9C5Mv8
ALANA Business Development -https://youtu.be/cluICGRl0Qs
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