Today, Lake Fellowship welcomes guest speaker Lea Cullen Boyer, a Sustainability Coordinator from Westchester, New York.
Fresh approaches to conservation and climate opportunities are emerging out of the COVID crisis. This lively hour long presentation is an invitation to conversation on what we've learned during this extraordinary time.
We'll explore what new scientific data and experiential information we've gathered over the past 10 months. We'll look at how we can leverage this information into meaningful and effective action to reduce carbon, live more justly and prosperously, and avoid going back to the problematic parts of "normal". Please join us. Today's meeting is via Zoom, and co-hosted by Lake Fellowship members Kristin Fulkerson and Terry McGlynn. You can join the group starting at 10:15 a.m. and the program will begin at 10:30. To join, please check your email for the Zoom link, or request a link by sending an email to We'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
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