Becoming conscious is another term for awakening, this month’s theme. Today we will listen to an interview with transformational leadership consultant Helen Urwin as she explains, in concrete real life terms, what it means to be conscious, the path to becoming conscious, and why we would want to be conscious. Member Laurie Gauer will then facilitate our conversation. Helen is the creator of the Full Potential Philosophy, which she defines as getting the right people talking about the right thing at the right time in the right way. Helen has become one of the most sought after strategic facilitators in the world. She works with CEOs, CMOs, and senior leaders, both personally and with their teams, in a process that transforms what is possible. It creates a shift from current, potentially limiting mental frameworks to achieve outcomes that may have originally appeared impossible. It accelerates individual and collective growth, ensuring genuine collaboration and co-creation.
This interview took place on February 1, 2022 with Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen, founder and leader, of OPTAVIA, a transformational health company, client of Urwin’s, and one of Forbe's most trusted companies in the country, and fastest growing in the world.
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