Lake Fellowship welcomes Guest Speaker Nancy Clift to lead this program.
Nancy Clift is a communication expert, currently developing a book on listening. Her working title is: “Listen! It will change your the world.”
Nancy comes to this place after decades of training, starting in high school as a peer helper. She likes to say she has been trained to listen in many different ways. These include being trained as a therapist during her graduate work in Psychology, as a qualitative researcher and focus group moderator (she has interviewed thousands of people to understand their perceptions, motivations, and opinions), and even as an amateur improv artist, which is all about listening.
We all want to contribute to others and make a difference in the world. But sometimes our humanity gets in the way, our buttons get pushed, we know we are “right,” etc., which gets in the way of our powerful communication. This Sunday’s program will be about “Becoming aware of your filters: what gets between you and your ability to listen in a way that makes a difference.”
During the program we will look at:
- What is real listening
- What are the human factors that get in the way of our listening
- How to notice these filters and set them aside
- What difference it could make to your life and to the world if you were willing to really listen to others, to take your own listening to the next level
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