Practicing presence to live the UU values

Date: December 19, 2024
Author: Laurie Gauer

At last Sunday’s program we were in three small groups talking about how the spiritual practice of Presence, this month’s theme, can help us live our new UU values. We chose between three of the values: Love, Transformation, and Generosity. I chose Transformation, defined by the UUA as: 

We adapt to the changing world. We covenant to collectively transform and grow spiritually and ethically. Openness to change is fundamental to our Unitarian and Universalist heritages, never complete and never perfect.

When our group discussed what we’re already doing to practice Presence to live Transformation, I said that as a congregation we’re constantly Transforming what and how we do things to fit our members’ Transforming needs and wants. Because we are small and don’t have one leader, we’re able to be more Present to those and Transform relatively quickly.

For example, in most of my 34 years of being a member, spirituality was rarely mentioned. For a while, it was almost taboo to mention it. Over time, I have noticed more acceptance and curiosity about spirituality in myself and others. Last summer, in response to members’ requests, the Board added this as a strategic goal: Grow spiritually in line with our Unitarian-Universalist Values.

Out of that came the program that Dan led this fall to see if there’s interest in more structured spiritual exploration: there is. Out of that came last Sunday’s program that Joanne and I led: Practicing Presence to Live our UU Values . . . a Pilot, a workshop to explore how the spiritual practice of Presence, this month’s theme, can help us live the UU values in our daily lives. Afterward we surveyed attendees to find out if they want more similar workshops: most do. And if they do, as regular programs or separate gatherings: most said as regular programs. So, now we’ll figure out how to do that.

One attendee requested I send out what I closed the workshop with: “Tips to make a practice a habit.” This and a document with the three slides we showed (the values we focused on, the questions the groups were given as prompts, and sample methods to practice presence) are now attached to the program description on our website

Remember we don’t have a program on the 29th so we can be Present with our families and friends as we gather for whatever holidays and how ever we celebrate them. I hope to see you this Saturday at our Winter Solstice Potluck and/or on Sunday at our program, so I can wish you a merry and bright holiday season in person!

How might you practice Presence to live the UU values this holiday season?