National Food Project Sunday

digital drawing of a grocery bag with items inside and the letters N F P on the outside.

It's the first Sunday of the month. That means it's "Green Bag" Sunday. 

It’s time to collect your non perishables and bring them to LF this Sunday, March 2 for Lake Fellowship’s Neighborhood Food Project!  You all know how this works, you get some groceries/personal items and bring them to LF (or have a friend deliver them) on the first Sunday of the month (Sept- May) and Larry Muehlberg will deliver the items to WeCAN’s food shelf and mobile market on Monday.  We have a few “Green/Orange Bags” at the A-frame, so feel free to bring your donations and fill up a bag.  WeCAN also takes checks if you want to make a cash donation. See the attached flyer for current WeCAN needs.

Let’s try to top last month’s total of 169lbs!

A list of items that are the current needs for Winter 2025 for WeCAN
photo of two orange grocery bags with the WeCAN logo and the next "The WeCAN Neighborhood Food Project" on them.

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