Reading & Discussion Group

Event Type

Book: Thunder Bay: a Cork O'Conner Mystery Series book by Kent Kruger

The Lake Fellowship Book Group meets the third Sunday evening of the month unless otherwise posted. On occasion, the date may change to a different Sunday as decided by the members. The books to be read and discussed are selected by the members. Members read the same book each month, and that book is readily available either at a public library, on an e-reader, or in paperback. The individual who selects a book generally leads the discussion about that book. Books are selected looking forward 6 months, and the selections are posted in case members want to read ahead. All are welcome to the group, and everyone has time to talk. Come to discuss just one particular book every month.

The group meets at 7:00 pm at the home of one of the members. One person has offered to host over the years, so concern about hosting should keep no one away. Call Beatriz Aguerrevere for directions to the home of the host.

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