SATURDAY, AUGUST 30th from 8am - 2pm is FALL CLEANUP DAY AT THE FELLOWSHIP. Your help is needed this year as we have a LOT of indoor and outdoor things to take care of. Here is a partial list of things we need to accomplish:
1. Planting of hostas/plants to replace the existing bush next to the staircase
2. Trees trimmed back where necessary
3. Drain tile between handicapped access stairway to be cleaned/inspected
4. Well head by path to be painted, concrete posts to be added if possible
5. Entire deck/staircase to be coated with a special sealer
6. Leaves/parking lot completely blown out
7. Upstairs carpets to be shampooed and cleaned
8. Library to be sorted and straightened
9. Kitchen to be thoroughly cleaned
10. Windows to be washed with special cleaning fluid
11. Spider web removal from various corners/rafters
12. Restock supplies for the coming season
13. Basement cleanup and prep of the supply cabinet
14. Getting the mechanical room cleaned/organized
We will need lots of help to complete this list, so please plan to put this event on your calendar and plan to carve out some time to help on August 30. LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED.
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