BYOT: Building Your Own Theology

Event Type

As mentioned a few times at our fellowship, we're starting a new group to discuss spirituality and belief in greater detail. While we don't have any firm goals or protocols in place yet, we hope to foster a democratic growth of those goals through our discussions to arrive at goals that serve to decode, illuminate, and inspire our own spiritualities. Through our meetings, we also hope to gather enough cohesive "good thoughts" to share with the fellowship at large through a program format.

Here are the details for our first meeting:
When: THIS SUNDAY, June 1st, at 10:30 a.m. We'll meet for 1 - 2 hours, depending on how our discussion goes.
Where: Lake Fellowship A-Frame
Who: You, and anyone you'd like to invite. We may break into smaller discussion groups if our attendance warrants them.
What: Our first topic question will simply be: What do you believe? We'll explore how we came to this answer, how well the answer satisfies us, and what we'd maybe like to change about it.
Why: As a lay-lead congregation, we enjoy a wide variety of programs that only sometimes touch on spirituality. Rather than abandon our informative and entertaining program line-ups, we're launching a discussion group that meets outside the normal hours of fellowship to dig a bit deeper into spirituality. This is also an opportunity for others who maybe cannot attend our fellowship regularly or who are more interested in spiritual topics to gather with a more focused and meaningful discussion.
Bring? You needn't bring anything but yourself and an open mind. Feel free to bring along any readings, quotes, or images that you'd like to share that help you explore and define your spirituality and belief. 
Food? For now, there will be no supplemental treats or beverages. You're welcome to bring your own snacks and beverages if you like, and we ask that you're mindful of cleaning up after yourself.
Kids? For now, there will be no formal or supervised child care during the meeting. That said, several of us will likely bring our kids and allow them to either roam the woods near the fellowship or engage in a quiet activity in the basement (reading, crafts, movie, etc.).
Next? While we'd like to schedule these meetings on a regular basis (monthly, bi-weekly, weekly?), summer can be a tricky time to gather, so we'll play it by ear, depending on the turn-out and the interest. We'll plan our next meeting date before we adjourn this Sunday, and post the date on the LFUU website calendar:
Questions? Feel free to write to Marnie Karger or to Dave Wahlstedt with questions or concerns.

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