Discussion Group

Spirit Group

We invite you (and those you know) to join us this Sunday for another discussion.

Our topic to consider and discuss this week will be announced soon. Please check back closer to this date for an update.

We'll share our thoughts, and figure out what our next topic will be after this. As always, come with an open mind, and an open heart.


Spirit Group

We invite you (and those you know) to join us this Sunday for another discussion.

Our topic to consider and discuss this week will be stories of Hope. Please come ready to share a story of hope with the group. Perhaps it's a story of when hope has held you bouyant in a time of crisis, or perhaps it's when someone else's hope kept you aloft. It can be your own story, or just a story you know well. 

We'll share our thoughts, and figure out what our next topic will be after this. As always, come with an open mind, and an open heart.


Spirit Group

We invite you (and those you know) to join us this Sunday for another discussion.

Our topic to consider and discuss this week will be spiritual storytelling. In what contexts do you feel comfortable telling stories about your own spirituality? In what instances do you feel compelled to do so? In what ways have you been rewarded for sharing stories and descriptions related to your spirituality?

We'll share our thoughts, and figure out what our next topic will be after this. As always, come with an open mind, and an open heart.


Spirit Group

We invite you (and those you know) to join us this Sunday for another discussion.

Our topic to consider and discuss this week will be spiritual storytelling. In what contexts do you feel comfortable telling stories about your own spirituality? In what instances do you feel compelled to do so? In what ways have you been rewarded for sharing stories and descriptions related to your spirituality?

We'll share our thoughts, and figure out what our next topic will be after this. As always, come with an open mind, and an open heart.


Spirit Group

We invite you (and those you know) to join us this Sunday for another discussion.

Our topic to consider and discuss this week will be spiritual storytelling. In what contexts do you feel comfortable telling stories about your own spirituality? In what instances do you feel compelled to do so? In what ways have you been rewarded for sharing stories and descriptions related to your spirituality?

We'll share our thoughts, and figure out what our next topic will be after this. As always, come with an open mind, and an open heart.


BYOT:Building Your Own Theology

We invite you (and those you know) to join us this Sunday for another discussion.

Our topic to consider and discuss this week will be how we find comfort amid tragedy. When horrible things happen, how do we "make sense" of them or find peace in the chaos?

We'll share our thoughts, and figure out what our next topic will be after this. As always, come with an open mind, and an open heart.


BYOT:Building Your Own Theology

We invite you (and those you know) to join us this Sunday for another discussion.

Our topic to consider and discuss this week will be "Big Picture" thinking. When setting meaningful goals, it's often important to consider the "Pie in the Sky" or "Perfect Scenario" in order to form steps toward that idea, but when does that thinking become impractical or even detrimental? What are some pros and cons to this sort of thinking? 

We'll share our thoughts, and figure out what our next topic will be after this. As always, come with an open mind, and an open heart.


BYOT:Building Your Own Theology

We invite you (and those you know) to join us this Sunday for another discussion.

Our gathering today will be focused on helping our dear friends cope with the recent tragic death in their family. Please come prepared to offer comfort, compassion and a willing spirit.

We'll share our thoughts, and figure out what our next topic will be after this. As always, come with an open mind, and an open heart.
