Telling our Story

Date: January 9, 2025
Author: Laurie Gauer

The Message from the Board chair is now posted on the new LFUU Blog on our website! Other notices, such as from our Social Action committee, are also there. When Matthew, our website expert, suggested it, I said yes right away. It will give visitors to the website a good feel for what we’re about and stand for. So, Matthew added the code to make it so. Check out our LFUU Blog.

The LFUU Blog also creates a historical record and helps tell our story. Is creating this a way of Living Love through the Practice of Storywhich is this month’s theme? I am pondering how the practice of story lives love, our central UU value. I’m sure Marnie will have ideas and thoughts on this during her monthly program about the theme, which is on the 19th this month.

It’s obvious to me that this Sunday’s guest speaker is living love by telling his story of why he is a human rights and peace activist in his program Tales from Bethlehem; Conversations in Minnesota (see post below). Also, this Sunday is a congregational vote on whether we want to add our name to a letter supporting legislation for more inclusive school lunches (see post below). Many of us want advocacy on social issues to play a bigger, ongoing part in LFUU’s story. When we tell others that story, are we living love by inspiring them? I think so.

Last Sunday it was a joy to welcome back Larry McDonough and Richard Terrill! They tell stories with readings and songs and their own stories with their banter. They have been part of our story for 20 years. They mentioned how nice it was to see familiar faces and it was nice to see theirs too! It was a joy to have an almost full A-frame of people enjoying the performance! And a joy that most stayed and enjoyed the soups my husband and I brought for Soup Sunday. We raised $200 for the food-related charity we chose: Humanity Alliance. Soup Sunday has become another part of our story and, again, by telling that story I believe we're living love.

How do you tell LFUU’s story? What part do you play?