
Current Events Discussion

Join us for a discussion of current events, moderated by Les Kraus. Topics will include the US involvement in Syria, the legalization of same-sex marriage in MN, and any other topics by popular vote if time allows. Study your facts and come prepared to support your opinion, or just come to enjoy a rousing debate.


Protection of Alaska's Wilderness

Alaska may seem far from Minnesota but we are all part of the same ecosystem that makes up our planet.  One example is the migratory birds that travel from Alaska to the rest of the U.S. and beyond.  A second and more dramatic issue is climate change and the fact that the Arctic regions have warmed up twice as fast. Alaska may seem far from Minnesota but we are all part of the same ecosystem that makes up our planet.  One example is the migratory birds that travel from Alaska to the rest of the U.S.


Lake Fellowship Summer Party

Once again Jo and Lee Hermann have graciously opened their beautiful home on Christmas Lake for our Lake Fellowship annual summer extravaganza!
As in past years, there will be plenty of activities: volleyball (land or lake), bocce ball, ping pong, water-skiing, swimming, board games, visiting, resting, eating, etc...
Plan to arrive anytime after 11 a.m.; we'll start the buffet at about noon and snack all day. Please bring a dish to share and your own beverages (coffee and orange juice will be provided).


TED Talk: Dan Pallotta: The way we think about charity is dead wrong.

Many of us work in or with the non-profit sector and struggle with the paradox of raising funds for our causes without spending a lot on "overhead." Today, we'll watch a recently taped TED talk by Dan Pallotta who has been in the trenches of the non-profit world for several decades and has a revolutionary goal to rock how we think of non-profits and charity causes. Matthew Tift and Marnie Karger will introduce the talk and lead a post-talk group discussion.


A Discussion of Generational Differences in Ethical Decision-Making – Jim Tift

We all make ethical decisions. But when doing so, what guides our decision-making? Many people think it is the values and formative events that we have experienced in thegeneration in which we grew up. This session will explore how differences in values andformative events of Baby Boomers, GenXers and Millennials affect their ethical decision-making.
